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King’s Pharmacy and Compounding Center has a combined 20 years of pharmaceutical experience. We specialize in customized pharmaceutical compounding for humans and animals.

Compounding is the mixture of drugs by a pharmacist to fit the unique needs of a patient. This may be done for medically necessary reasons, such as to change the form of the medication from a solid pill to a liquid, to avoid a non-essential ingredient that the patient is allergic to, or to obtain the exact dose needed. It may also be done for voluntary reasons, such as adding favorite flavors to a medication.

We customize compounding medications for each individual patient’s needs, which makes us unique in that your medication is developed for your specific needs in mind.


COMPOUNDED | Dosage Forms

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BIO-IDENTICAL | Hormone Replacement Therapy

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VETERINARY | Compounding

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Opportunities For Patients

We customize compounding medications for each individual patient’s needs, which makes us unique in that your medication is developed for your specific needs in mind.

We customize compounding medications for each individual patient’s needs, which makes us unique in that your medication is developed for your specific needs in mind.

We customize compounding medications for each individual patient’s needs, which makes us unique in that your medication is developed for your specific needs in mind.

We customize compounding medications for each individual patient’s needs, which makes us unique in that your medication is developed for your specific needs in mind.

Opportunities For Physicians

Physicians may prescribe an individually compounded medication for a patient with an unusual health need. This allows the physician to tailor a prescription to each individual.

We customize compounding medications for each individual patient’s needs, which makes us unique in that your medication is developed for your specific needs in mind.

We customize compounding medications for each individual patient’s needs, which makes us unique in that your medication is developed for your specific needs in mind.

We customize compounding medications for each individual patient’s needs, which makes us unique in that your medication is developed for your specific needs in mind.

King's Pharmacy

RX Refills

Title 1 Explaining the Process for Refills

Making any strength of a medication when specific doses are not commercially available

Title 2 Explaining the Process for Refills

Making any strength of a medication when specific doses are not commercially available

Title 3 Explaining the Process for Refills

Making any strength of a medication when specific doses are not commercially available


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Address: 510 Superior Avenue. #120, Newport Beach, CA 92663

Phone: 949.631.4624

Fax: 949.631.4626


Hours: M-F 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM   Closed: Saturday & Sunday

IRVINE Location

Address: 16205 Sand Canyon Ave #105, Irvine, CA 92618

Phone: 949.387.0780

Fax: 949.387.0784


Hours: M-F 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM   Closed: Saturday & Sunday