Headache Hacks: 9 Easy Ways to Get Fast Relief

Headaches are a regular occurrence for so many people in today’s fast-paced society. A medical issue can cause these headaches, but they are more often the result of too much stress, laboring too long without taking breaks, or simply overdoing things in general.

You might go to your doctor or an occupational health nurse for headache treatment, but many migraines can be successfully controlled by making a few lifestyle changes.

While numerous headache remedies are available, including prescription drugs, they may not always relieve the symptoms.

We’ve put up nine simple, science-based solutions that you can use right now to help you get rid of your tension-type headaches quickly!

First And Foremost, Why Does Your Head Hurt?

The greatest method to avoid a headache is to figure out what caused it in the first place. Keep track of your headache and what transpired in the hours leading up to the onset of the pain. By keeping track of when, where, as well as why you have headaches, you may be able to spot patterns and pinpoint your particular headache triggers. You may also identify which triggers your control (e.g., excessive drinking) and which you don’t (e.g., the weather).

Take Into Account The Following:

  • Have you been staring at your smartphone or computer for too long?
  • Is your eyesight corrected to 20/20 or close to it?
  • Do you have swollen sinuses?
  • Have you had too much to drink the night before?
  • Do you have a knot in your neck and shoulders?
  • Do you have a low blood sugar level and are hungry?
  • Have you forgone your morning latte?
  • Are you suffering from an ear infection?
  • Have you had a concussion?
  • Workplace squabbles?

Read more: Acetylcysteine For Sinus Conditions

Getting Rid of Your Headache

In today’s fast-paced atmosphere, headaches have become an extremely common occurrence for many people. Medical conditions might cause them, but anxiety, dehydration, a prolonged work evening, or just pushing it all in spin class are more common causes.

While headache therapies, ibuprofen, paracetamol, and prescription headache medications, are available, they do not always relieve the symptoms.

And, as enticing as that may be, exceeding the recommended dosage is not the answer. In truth, several popular (and really basic) behavioral habits can help alleviate headache pain without resorting to medication.

1. Massage Therapy

Headache Hacks

Massages are lavish in appearance, and they’re also highly therapeutic. Headaches can be induced by tension in the upper body by means of strained muscle caused by poor posture or a rigorous workout regimen.

By lowering muscle tension, massage therapy may assist in easing chronic pain and headaches.

Spend time researching different types of massages and getting recommendations for a nearby practitioner who can effectively target your individual problem areas.

2. Hot Or Cold Therapies

Hot and cold compresses can help with tension headaches. To keep the ice from damaging your skin, put it in a plastic shopping bag and cover it with a thin towel. Place the ice cube on your head, cheeks, or wherever the most pain is coming from.

Just make sure you don’t use the cold pack for more than 10 minutes.

You can buy a heating pad at most drugstores or craft your own with uncooked rice for the hot portion. Simply fill a pillowcase or sock with uncooked rice, about two-thirds full. Close the open end with a stitch or a tie.

Microwave the rice pack for a minute. Place it on the back of the neck or the top of your head for relief.

3. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy for headache

Aromatherapy is the research of how certain scents can cause good, even therapeutic, brain reactions.

Headaches have been found to be soothed and reduced by certain scents. Among them are peppermint, eucalyptus, as well as lavender oils. They can be found throughout many health food shops nearby or on the internet.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a technique that includes inserting small, sharp needles into specific points on the body to promote energy flow. It’s supposed to boost the body’s natural pain-relieving functions, and it’s been demonstrated to lower headache frequency and severity by the Central Institute of Health Trusted Source.

5. Breathing Exercises

You know, the thing you already do on a regular basis! It may sound silly, but practicing deep breathing every day can help ease tension-related headaches by focusing your mind and relaxing your muscles.

To begin, find a quiet space with a comfortable chair in your home, office, or other non-distracting location. Take five seconds to inhale and five seconds to exhale in a calm, rhythmic manner. As you relax, the tension in your muscles will reduce.

You can also try and focus on each primary muscle group in your body as part of a progressive relaxation approach. Begin at the bottom and work your way up.

6. Hydration

Dehydration can cause headaches, but it is easily preventable. An electrolyte-rich beverage like Pedialyte, Gatorade, or Powerade can help just as much as a good old glass of water.

However, just as there are drinks that can help you avoid headaches, drinks can also make them worse.

Headaches can be caused by consuming too much coffee or caffeine-containing beverages. If you regularly start your day on a Starbucks latte, you might want to switch to a decaffeinated blend.

Alcohol, particularly red wines, can also cause dehydration and lead to headaches.

7. Get Some Rest

We hear a lot about the health issues that lack of sleep may bring. Not getting the recommended amount of sleep can result in chronic headaches. However, knowing that you require more sleep and actually obtaining it are two separate concepts.

You can increase the quantity and the quality of your rest in a number of ways, including the ones listed below.

Create a sleep schedule for yourself. Make a habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Even if you only go to bed 10 to 15 minutes or rest fifteen minutes later, it can be a positive routine.

In the hours leading up to bedtime, stay away from stimulants. Stimulants such as alcohol, sweets, nicotine, and caffeine might prevent you from sleeping as well as keep you awake at night. Allow your body to relax before you lay your head on the pillow.

Before going to bed, do something soothing. Turn off the TV or internet and indulge in a nice book or a relaxing bath. It may sound quaint, but a little rest and relaxation may go a long way!

8. Follow A “Headache Diet.”

While some foods are delightful, they have been linked to headaches. Keeping a “headache journal” of the meals and drinks, you take on a regular basis or when you get a headache is a good idea.

If you find a trigger, try avoiding it for a while to see if your headaches go away. Foods that could be problematic include:

Foods and beverages that contain caffeine. Chocolate, coffee, soda, as well as tea are just a few examples.

Foods containing monosodium glutamate. MSG is a preservative that has been used in Asian cuisine for centuries. Foods like quick ramen noodles contain it as well.

Foods are high in nitrates. Hot dogs, deli meats, sausage, and pepperoni are all examples of basic meats that can produce headaches.

Foods are high in tyramine. Tyramine is a molecule formed whenever an organic compound called tyrosine is broken down, and it can be found in meals like pizza as well as aged cheeses.

9. Drink Calming Teas

A hot cup of herbal tea is a great way to unwind at night because of its warmth and comfort. Those same relaxing properties can help with pain relief. It’s crucial to consult a doctor before taking these teas because herbs can interfere with medical problems and drugs.